Metal Detector Coils Minelab Manticore

Categories: Detektor kovů Minelab Manticore

Since we are still tinkering with the new M9 coil, we thought to make a comparison and more detailed description of the use of all available coils. At least for searchers who are not so familiar with it, I think it will be interesting in general.

Basic M11 probe for Manticore

Minelab has literally honed this probe to perfection and so the basic coil is as versatile as possible and will work very well in all locations and environments. Both in range, sensitivity and separation it is the best possible compromise.

Link to the coil on LP: Probe for Manticore M11 metal detector

Additional coils

So why buy a supplementary coil?

Even if the basic coil is great, a supplemental coil can move you from good to great in a given environment.

M15 depth probe for Manticore

The probe is designed to combine greater coverage with greater range in locations with fewer targets (typically less ferrous waste). Thus, the most appropriate applications are forests, where there are virtually always multiples of fewer targets compared to fields, or fields somewhere further from civilization. The depth increase is primarily seen on medium and larger targets.

Due to the oval shape, the probe still has very good separation properties as well, and the fact that Manticore is powered by a really fast processor, the probe can be used successfully even in environments where a searcher with such a large coil and another detector would simply have to walk away. Even so, you always need to think a bit, set the detector to the appropriate speed and also if there are a lot of targets, reduce the speed of the swing.

Link to the coil on LP: Probe for Manticore M15 metal detector

Separation M8 probe for Manticore

The smallest coil available, this is designed for the most waste contaminated sites. With a length of 20 cm it still has very decent coverage, but as it is an "oval" everything is subject to separation here. The probe is most suited to finding the smallest and most minute targets in areas of largem amounts of iron and waste, where you get ten or more iron targets on each swing, etc.

Due to its smaller size, the probe is also more resistant to high mineralisation and thus shows greater stability. This allows you to move with great confidence in such places and literally like a scalpel you separate the desired targets among a large amount of waste.

Link to the coil on LP: Probe for Manticore M8 metal detector

New universal M9 coil for Manticore

Minelab's new coil for the Manticore tries to combine range with separation, so it's basically a new universal coil for prospectors who are mostlyand focus on finding small targets (typically the smallest and tiniest silver coins).

The probe has a very low weight, which is even lower than the smaller M8 coil. Also, its profile is narrower, which should be better for moving in water. So this is especially appreciated by my colleague Jaccob, who concentrates on finding small gold jewelry and chains in the water.

Personally, I basically use the reel as a basic one now. Thus, more testing on favourite fields is only hindered by the fact that almost everything is seeded at the moment. Even so, we have tested a few sites already, and we are still going to test another one with literally hellish mineralization. We will add more information to the article.

In general, it is a great pity that the coil is available only for the Manticore detector, it would certainly make many an Equinox detector owner happy. For those who enjoy looking for small targets in cluttered fields, the M9 is an incredibly interesting alternative, and it can beif the detector was used by a petite girl, as the weight of the detector goes up to 1.1 kg when using this coil. Of course, while maintaining waterproofness and all the great features we all expect from a detector Minelab.

Link to the coil on LP: Probe for Manticore M9 metal detector

In the table you can see a comparison of the range of each coil. In order to allow everyone to repeat a similar test themselves and check the range numbers, we have done the following.

The ranges are made in the air in the park here in Jilemnice. Detector sensitivity was set to 22, POLE/LES basic and POLE/LES low-conductivity modes were used . Limits were set to 7/2 and speed to 4.

It is clear from the above numbers that we were not concerned with "chasing" the maximum depth, after all there is really no need for that with Manticore. Our point is to give everyone a better understanding of how each coil behaves depending on target size and material with the numbers given.

Additionally, it needs to be re-emphasized, these are values measured in air. The condition of the soil, its moisture, the amount of mineralization, iron oxides, etc., all affect the range of the detector and in the vast majority of cases always reduce the range!

Table description: the numbers are in centimetres, the first number is the basic mode, the second is the low-water mode

M8 M9 M11 M15
Al. square 5/9 6/10 4/8 2/4
Black penny 21/24 27/29 28/30 29/32
Gresle 29/32 33/35 36/38 40/41
2h RU 33/34 37/38 40/41 44/44
3kr. Ferdinand 36/36 40/41 44/44 47/47
1 Kčs 38/38 43/43 46/47 51/51
5 Kčs 40/40 46/47 50/49 55/55
Buckle 46/47 55/55 60/60 69/67
Falera 55/53 64/63 68/67 73/72

Table and graph prepared for you by Jaccob

Targets used, ranked from largest phalera

Al square of foil, which is the first target in the table


This video is a short introduction to the new M9 reel for Manticore.

In the next part we will focus on showing how the separation works for each coil. Targets deposited at an average depth of 20 cm, we will torment by bringing the iron closer and closer. :)

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Dobrá práce hoši. Ta 9ka vypadá dobře

Děkuji moc za tabulku do 9" půjdu časem kůli váze nemládnem. ;-)

Ale předevčírem jsem hledal v centru Uničova (přes 1000let bordelu) Ag srdíčko 1,5cm na soukromé zahradě.napřed jen dohledávačkou 3x3m a co 15cm signál(bez kopání šlo jen o tu ztrátovku).Už jsem to vzdával.No pointa vytáhl jsem Matikoru v nastavení tak jak jste mi ji poslaly o:-) o:-) o:-), mezi barákama WIFI a jiné bezdráty a naprosto přesně mi ukazála v grafu tečku na čárce a min.hloubku mezi mrakem železa, tak za mě jsem si ametersky ověřil že vlasně ty peníze za ni stály a jsem max spokojený tu 9" si koupím do těch těžkých trénů a kopců Rymařovska kůli váze. ;-)

Jinak jeste pro notoricke chodice rezimu PARK2/POLE2 u EQ a NIZKO VODIVEHO rezimu na MANTE…
Dalsi zajimavy vystup z toho mereni je ze uz u minci o velikosti 2hal. RU uz nema cenu pouzivat dvojkovy a low conduct rezim ,dokonce ani v pripade tak male mince jako je cerny peniz ten rozdil neni nijak zavratny…Ma to smysl pouze u uplne tech nejmensich cilu jako byl ten Al ctverecek cca 3x3mm vystrizeny z plechovky..

Nicmene vzhledem k tomu ze bylo nutne dodrzet podminku 100%stejneho nastaveni ve vsech pripadech (dokonce testovano i na stejnem detektoru) a testovat to na vzduchu (test takoveho rozsahu by se v pude delal opravdu spatne).

Tak je potreba jeste zminit napr to ze 2kove rezimy maji realne v prumerne pude vetsi ubytek dosahu (z duvodu pouzivani vyssich frekvenci) nez jednickove.V obtiznych pudnich podminkach je nutnost prehodit na jednickovy rezim…

Dalsi aspekt je rychlost obnovy ktera se u vetsich sond chodi nize nez na mensich civkach a to i z duvodu ze s tak velkou sondou se obecne hledac pohybuje pomaleji -takze v lese chodim vetsinou 2-3, coz by jeste trochu v realnych podminkach pridalo na dosahu

Když jsem zjistil, že v základním režimu najdu i brok, taxem ten low conduct přestal používat. Jinak ty body na přímce jsou fajn pomůcka. Po pravdě byl jsem zvyklý na CTXo a na Noxu mi ten graf chyběl.

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