New tracking device Minelab Pro-Find 40

Categories: Minelab Pro Find 25 metal detector

As some of you will have noticed, a new and improved version of the proven 35 with serial number 40 has recently appeared. Although it is logically very similar in appearance and controls to the classic and proven 35, all the electronics are new.

This has given the opportunity to take the range and other features a step further. The first thing you notice at first glance when comparing it to the classic 35, which I had in my pocket for almost 5 years, is the better range and sensitivity even on really small targets. The other major change that came with the new 40 is the ability to calibrate the rangefinder in the on state.

So now the rangefinder automatically calibrates immediately after switching on just like its previous sister, but now there is also the option to repeat the calibration during use by briefly pressing tl. The calibration can be performed with a short power-on button.

This allows the 40 to be used with higher sensitivity settings and allows the tracker to reset the calibration if necessary during a search. An interesting video has already been made about how to calibrate the finder and why, explaining the whole process on the legendary 35.

If you want to understand what really happens in the finder, I recommend watching this video.

The controls have logically stayed the same, which is great, especially if you've been a past owner of the Profinda 25 and 35 . So you have absolutely nothing new to learn. In addition, the new 40 has of course retained the other features from the classic 35 such as waterproofing, iron resolution etc.

At the end of the video is a comparison of the 35 vs 40 ranges. Unfortunately, I forgot to try the Prague Wenceslas Grotto with the 40 as I did with the 35, but unfortunately I didn't notice this until after the video was finished. Anyway, the result of the 40 was between 8.2-8.5 cm, which makes an increase of 1.2-1.5 cm against the PF35.

Both viewfinders were set to maximum sensitivity, but realistically I usually use sensitivity 4.


Minelab Pro Find 40 - detector settings and comparison with model 35

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Už ji mám doma a je super. ;-)Oceňuju nový šroubovací víčko.To starý se vetšinou zaseklo a nešlo ani za boha povolit rukou.. :-(

Těsnící kroužek se musí mazat vazelínou, pak se nezasekne. Ale je fajn, že to poladili :-)
Co mě ale na 35 vadí nejvíce, je to, že je rušena Noxem 900. Když položím detík na zem příliš blízko a začnu dohledávat, tak 35 začne pravidelně signalizovat. Občas si to spletu s regulérním signálem...

Big bear: až ji příště zapni, nech detektor zvolit jiný kanál. Bude to ok.

Elmara: Díky, zkusím.

... škoda, že ta nová 40-ka nevidí Pražáky, no... :-D ;-)

Janek67: nevšimnul, říkám mu, "ty voe, vynechal jsi pražáka.. ne nevynechal. :) Ono těch záběrů je několik, jelikož do toho záběru občas něco přijde a točí se to na několikrát. Tak Vám to asi budeme muset dotočit :) :)

Asi tomu budem věřit, netřeba :-D

Díky za návod tak já ji teda vybalím a vyzkouším o:-) .

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