The Holy Grail and Bohemia

Categories: Treasures

Ilustrační fotoThe work of the Golden Grail is somewhat hidden in Czech history. Its presence can be guessed from the events through which the reality of this historical jewel directly seeps through, yet there is no real revelation. The Holy Grail becomes a destiny in Bohemia. Just as life remains hidden behind the veil of existence and becomes manifest only in its action, the Holy Grail is a perceived force of spiritual development rather than a simply demonstrable fact. Therefore, its connection with Czech history is for many scholars unfounded and naive. However, those who try to listen to the pulse of Czech history, and Czech history is everything to them, believe that the Holy Grail is an essential part of Czech history, and for them Czech history is a challenge to search for meaning, of which the symbol of the Holy Grail is a direct expression.

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In Bohemia, the presence of the Holy Grail is highlighted by many things. For example, the geographical shape of the Czech lands, as well as their geological division. In the north of Bohemia, there are rare blue sapphires, known as the blood-red Czech granaCarbuncles, which belong to the symbolism of the Holy Grail and which are popularly falsified nowadays. According to some sources, it was even cut from a green emerald-like stone called lapsite exillis, which some authors consider as a corruption of the Latin lapis ex coelis, "stone from heaven", or even lapis lapsus ex ilis stellis, "stone from the stars".

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The mysterious connection of Bohemia with the Holy Grail is also indicated by the fact that there is only one green stone on Earth that came from the sky, and that is the Czech vltavine. Vltavite is a type of tektite that was probably formed fourteen and a half million years ago by the remelting of terrestrial rocks during an explosion during the impact of a large meteorite. The Riess crater, which formed in southern Germany, is 21 kilometres in diameter. The amount of material that melted and evaporated during the explosion was also estimated, only to fall back to earth hundreds of kilometres away as a shower of glass. At that time, the glass rain fell in several places in Bohemia and Moravia. Vltavín is not the Holy Grail, but it can be seen as a parable of it.

Wolfram of Eschenbach says of the grail in his novel Parsifal:

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Living is the stone, pure, great,
but you hardly know it, do you not,
who knows that the name of the stone,
is lapsit exillis?
That it was the fountain of mighty powers,
so that the ashes of
the Phoenix bird burned in them? Yet afterwards,
of them, when he lost his feathers,
was allowed to rise as he did, so splendour
and radiance the same as before!

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That is why the flaming eagle of St. Wenceslas is the true spiritual coat of arms of the Czech kingdom.


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There are also legends that claim that the Holy Grail was guarded for centuries until the Middle Ages by a noble family, chosen for this purpose, together with the Knights Templar. According to this legend, the Holy Grail was in the Cathar castle of Montségur in southern France, which was conquered by papal troops in 1244. But the Holy Grail had previously been taken to safety. To where, no one knows. Again, another field for conjecture and legend. Based on French legends, a dynastic bloodline of Grail guardians was even created. The possibility of various interpretations and the fact that the location of the Holy Grail is unknown.the Holy Grail is kept, give this object a special charm and add to its mystery and appeal. It is not even certain that it is a chalice or a vessel. Some speculate that it may have been a gem or other magical object.


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And then there is another equally unverified and intriguing theory that the Holy Grail is of extraterrestrial origin. This view was arrived at by two scientists, two brothers from Germany, Johannes and Peter Fiebag. In this case, it would seem to be not a cup at all, but rather a stone. The Fiebags claim to have traced the trace of the Holy Grail back to the time of the Israelites' wanderings in the desert, 1500 BC. They also use the works of Eschenbach to support their claim that the grail was left on Earth by a "mysterious flock" and then flew off to the stars. According to the Fiebags, the strange phenomena that accompany the Holy Grail in some legends can be explained by radioactivity surrounding the cup or, more likely, a stone or other object of extraterrestrial origin. There are also speculations that for a time the Holy Grail was kept in the sanctuary of Solomon's Temple. Whether it is the mysterious vessel from which Christ drank, or an object left behind by extraterrestrials, or a mere a figment of the imagination, the search for the Holy Grail has embodied humanity's eternal quest throughout the ages. The arduous, often futile search for a path to happiness, to enlightenment or to God.

Boněk, J. and Boněk, T.: CZECH CORRUPT CLENOTHES, ed. Eminent


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Moc pěkné Viki už dlouho se zajímám o Svatý grál a Archu úmluvy a souvislost s Templářskými rytíři takže dík :)

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