candatobijec – profile


About user

City:Tam u nás na Hané
Detector:Nox osmikilo

Member of groups and clubs


Identifying of findings

6408 *
186. in order
28 % levels completed.
There is 3592 experience point left for the next level.

Ranking for last 30 days: 202.–207. place
List of ranks
Last user opinions

Top identifiers in the last 30 days

# User Experience
1. Motopetak professor Motopetak 3910
2. Singer professor Singer 2627
3. GATTO professor GATTO 1863
4. Kapsa professor Kapsa 1706
5. petroff professor petroff 1655

Complete ranking

Contributed findings, articles and comments

Granted rand: Gefreiter for 17 articles or club posts (List of tabs)

Total comments: 552

Findings and articles of the user

Show 131 artifacts

Show 196 coins

Show 17 club posts

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