Metal detectors and treasure hunting

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with metal detectors.

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34323 15
The Edelweiss guerrilla units are also among the units that were characterized by their brutality and horrific actions. Although the focus of their attention was Slovakia, their cruelty was also felt by the inhabitants of Moravia...
Waffen-SS units in Mlada Boleslav...

Waffen-SS units in Mlada Boleslav...

18747 16
First, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Peter Neubert and I was born on February 1, 1928 in Pirna near Drazdan. I would like to tell you a bit more about the Waffen-SS units in the Central Bohemian town of Mladá Boleslav, specifically in the barracks of Žižkov.
GALLERY OF MARKS - Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)

GALLERY OF MARKS - Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)

25794 3
Originally the Reichsarbeitsdienst was to serve as a preparation for service in the Wehrmacht, it was to be a kind of training centre, butbut was increasingly militarised, especially during the campaigns in Norway and the West.
BARIUM - Part One

BARIUM - Part One

19830 0
In order to connect the guerrilla groups with London, during the Second World War, the Czechoslovakia, steamships with specially trained soldiers of the former Czechoslovak army were deployed. This is the story of one of them!
Rare Czech Coins

Rare Czech Coins

205908 58
It is undoubtedly the rarest Czechoslovak circulating coin, the price of which currently ranges from CZK 120,000 to 180,000. Why this small copper mintage survived in only a few dozen pieces is not known.
Battle of Dukla Pass

Battle of Dukla Pass

63941 12
The Dukla Pass is the site of the largest battle in Slovakia during World War II. The Carpatho-Dukla operation, which included the battle for the Czechoslovak border, was intended to help the Slovak rebels. Originally it was supposed to last only 5 days, but in the end the fighting lasted 80 days.
Armament of Hussites I.

Armament of Hussites I.

58929 1
Hussite military tactics marked a special epoch in the history of military. The superiority of the Hussite armies was due, among other things, to their high military morale, for they were all convinced that they were fighting for the right cause.
History of seals, seals II.

History of seals, seals II.

23858 0
Seals have been found in the Czech territory since the end of the 11th century, probably since the beginning of the 12th century. The question is whether the term "verisimila argumenta" for St. Vojtěch, the second archbishop of Prague (982-994), can be interpreted as a seal; it is an exception that had no immediate continuity.

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