Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab


Testy cívek pro detektory kovů Minelab
Test of the new 15" probe at Minelab Equinox

Test of the new 15" probe at Minelab Equinox

33969 27
I am returning from a morning search and it is still a good quarter of an hour walk to my car.I'm bored and so I call Mara to save myself a long moment, to find out what's new and, most importantly, how it looks with the long-awaited new this autumn additional 15" inch probe on "NOXE".
CTX 17 coil for CTX 3030 from a Scot's point of view

CTX 17 coil for CTX 3030 from a Scot's point of view

61693 10
When I bought the CTX3030 detector, it changed my search life forever. My confidence grew, the number of finds multiplied manifold...and the depth at which we searched...well, let's just say Australia wasn't that far from the bottom of my dug holes.
Testing a new probe for the Minelab GPX Detech Ultimate Spiral Coil series

Testing a new probe for the Minelab GPX Detech Ultimate Spiral Coil series

50467 3
So here is the first small testing this year of a new, completely revolutionary coil for PI detectors GPX series with patented spiral technology. The manufacturer Detech promised that nobody makes a better coil for GPX and so Dan, Peter and I went to our test polygon to verify this almost classic claim.

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