Návody a katalogy pro detektory Minelab


Návody a katalogy pro detektory Minelab
How to make a wireless module from ML85 and ML80 headphones

How to make a wireless module from ML85 and ML80 headphones

57696 43
As I have recently started to get a lot of suggestions from other colleagues that they would like to have a wireless module like the Equinox 800 on the new line of detectors Minelab Equinox 700/900 , X- terra Pro and Manticore. I decided to come up with a simple rebuild so that the complete electronics from the ML85 and ML80 headsets could be fit into a precisely designed 3D printed box to make a wireless module.
Metal detector Minelab E-Trac - catalogue in pdf

Metal detector Minelab E-Trac - catalogue in pdf

44546 1
Since 25.4.2010 we have started a complete test of the Minelab E-Trac metal detector on the treasure hunter. The length of the test will again be at least 3 months, so in the meantime you can at least download the product evaluation sheet from Minelab testers in PDF format.

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