Collector 2021 - photos from the place

Categories: Invitations

After a long uncertainty of coronavirus measures, something has come true this year and today (10.9) the famous fair for collectors started.
I went to the opening ceremony first thing in the morning. There was a bit of a queue in front of the ticket offices, so I waited about 20min, but I think it will all go smoother tomorrow. One of the very first booths that might be of interest to prospectors is the Assay Office booth, where you can have the purity of precious metal items measured with a spectrometer for free. - An invaluable service for me personally, and I've had the purity of everything I've pulled out of the water in the last year that had either unknown or no marks checked right away. I would like to commend the super attitude and professionalism of the people at the hallmarking shop here. Seeing someone dragging a whole green brass candlestick in to see if it was gold and another box of clear jewellery, they must have nerves of steel :D.

Anyway, I was there right for the opening, so I don't know if they'll be sick of it by the afternoon :D

There were definitely plenty of stalls. However, it was absolutely dominated by philately and numismatics. Militaria I also spotted occasionally,l but to a much lower degree. There are plenty of both foreign and domestic stalls here, and most of the goods are priced unlike the exchanges. Especially with the foreign vendors, prices were often in Euros, but they took our crowns as well. Anyway, I don't think buying with Euros left over from your holiday will be a problem.

To conclude my haul (Levan thalers came to 500/piece,Yugoslav Order of National Merit (silverbro, numbered) came to 400,-, paper 20kč cost 50 and Euro notes together 160,- so I would say that you can buy there in general decently.) I didn't wait for the Eurobanknote with Bohdalova on it, I would have had all day :D, the queue was crazy (see first photo)

Those of you who would also like to see the collectors only have until tomorrow (9/11) or next year.


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Je to takové celé zmatené...
Možná jsem ale zmatený jen já...

Přečetl jsem to pro jistotu třikrát a nikde jsem se nedočetl, kde se tato akce koná/konala.
Ano, mohu si to vygooglit ale potom se ztrácí smysl článku. Euro s Jiřkou mě až tak nezajímá.

Na vystavisti v Letnanech,otevreno bude jeste zitra a pak az za rok ;-)

No vida Pítrs a já už myslel, že senilním :-)

Mimořádně letos nejdu.

Jedu zase zítra

Twl ta fronta a ještě na tu bábu, která se furt někam v bedně s..e o:-) když jí v televizi slyším a zrovna jím, musím to jít rychle přepnout,nebo bych z ní hodil tyč :-/

Bohdalová, tvl...🤢🤮

Bohdalová byla skvělá herečka, úžasná dabérka a já se vždy na její filmy s velkou chutí podívám. Jednu věc však nezvládla - včas skončit.
Ta její trafika: Hobby naší doby - to je maso. Bohdalka sotva mele hubou, je senilní a svoji roli zkrátka nezvládá. Škoda, že to nechala dojít do takových konců.

Tak jsem si šel dát žvanec a ta čumí na bednu a je tam zase tahle soudružka Bohdalová, mě m...e😨🤢🤮🤪

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