Golden bracelet from Konopiště

I recently presented here, through a brief article, the discovery of 31 images representingof art objects looted at the end of April 1945 by SS soldiers at Konopiště and thus the search for them. As I wrote last time, among the objects in the pictures there are several that were not stolen at that time and remained in the castle. One of them is a beautiful massive gold bracelet with a portrait miniature.

A few days ago, I managed to find out that this unique piece of jewellery is now in the collections of the Moravian Gallery in Brno, where it was confiscated from the Habsburg estate in 1964. It would certainly be a pity not to present it here in more detail.

The bracelet is listed in the collections under the inventory number U 18670 and can be admired in its full glory by anyone at any time on the website of the Moravian Gallery in Brno in the online collections directly here -

The bracelet is made of gold of 900/1000 purity, weight 74 grams, diameter 7,2 cm, h 5 cm. The miniature features a portrait of Franz Josef and is signed Robert Theer.

After further consultation with Professor Alena Křížová, PhD, Bracelet with a portrait of Franz Josef, wrought gold 900/1000, weight 74 g, diameter 7,2 cm, h 5 cm, miniature portrait signed. Robert Theer 1832, watercolour on ivory, curl of hair in a glass case, housed in original case marked Erzherzog Franzi. Several examples (7 ?) were made for princesses of the Habsburg family, this being the only known surviving example.

See also: KŘÍŽOVÁ, Alena. Burgher jewellery of Viennese provenance in the collections of the Moravian Gallery in Brno. Bulletin of the Moravian Gallery in Brno. Brno: Moravian Gallery in Brno, 2017, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 102-118.

Buergersinn und Aufbegehren, Biedermeier in Wien 1815-1848. Wien: Historisches museum der Stadt Wien, 1987, ws. 293, rep. a cat. 6/4/23.


Osobně se domnívám, že rok pod signaturou Roberta Theera bude spíše rok 1837 a ne 1832. Ono je to patrné teprve až po hodně velkém zvětšení obrázku v on-line sbírkách.

Jinak by možná bylo zajímavé zjistit i to, jestli je náramek puncován a jestli by se dle puncovní značky (nebo značek ?) dalo zjistit, který zlatník jej vyrobil.

Neci takového najit tak mě odvezou nohama napřed...
Nádhernej naramek 👍 👀

Krásnej kousek, pěkné počtení, Cobe ;-)

Pěkné čtení.... :-)

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