Civka Nel Thunder for Makro Racer, Racer 2
Depth coil for Makro Racer and Racer 2 detectors
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The Thunder coil combines high sensitivity to small objects, great depth of detection and excellent separation. Despite its more than decent size, the probe is beautifully light. 560 g at 37x26.5 cm is a great result from the engineers at Nel. When working with digital detectors, you will maximize the possibility of finding all types of targets from really large objects to targets weighing 1 g. The probe is suitable for finding coins, artifacts and in all types of soils.
Weight: 560g
Size: 37x26,5 cm
Waterproof: Yes
Probe cover: included
- High quality cable grommet with coplet waterproofing
- Highly durable designed eyelets for coil mounting
- Probe body is made of impact-resistant, UV-resistant plastic
- Coil cover included in the price of the coil (designed to protect the coil during operation)
- Coil connectors use gold or silver plated contacts
- Highly durable coil lead wire manufactured in NSR
- Protective connector cover
- All Nel probes are tested
- Probe is 100% waterproof
- Composite materials are used in the construction of the probes. These allow the coils to be used safely even without covers
- The probe mounting screw is included with the coil