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The Greatest Secret of the Third Reich

A fascinating book by the famous Czech searcher Milan Kučera about the underground secrets of the Third Reich.

A fascinating book by the famous Czech searcher Milan Kučera about the underground secrets of the Third Reich. Milan Zacha Kučera (30.11.1973, Olomouc) By profession a manager of a travel agency. He has been researching and lecturing about mysteries since 1992, participant and initiator of many mystery expeditions. Since 1999 he has been a member of our oldest and largest research association KPU Plzeň, on whose board he has been a specialist in treasures and historical mysteries for the last five years. Until 2006 he was actively involved in the community of so-called treasure hunters with metal detectors.

Underground spaces have always had an effect on the mind and imagination of man. Not only on the formation of early artistic and religious ideas, when cave spaces were transformed into the first temples and picture galleries, but also in the search for a safe haven for all that was to remain hidden from the light of day.

In the ancient past, it was probably about the maintenance of mystery, the survival of the individual or the tribe. In more recent times, however, the strategic importance of underground spaces for the construction of technological facilities and shelters, neuralgic points of information of information society - be they control centres, shelters from weapons of mass destruction, cyclotrons or servers of the global communications network.

Until the Second World War, underground spaces (man-made or created by adapting caves) were or basements of medieval buildings) were used mainly for storage and temporary protection. However, with the concept of total war (Der Totale Krieg) and in times of increasing bombing during the Nazi Third Reich, production and scientific research capacities were moved underground on a scale never seen before. The closely guarded secrecy surrounding the various underground Nazi bases means that they still strongly influence our imagination today, raising many questions. And the many ambiguous, often contradictory answers to them create a mythology that is often closer to the truth than it might at first appear.

The clause Geheime Reichssache still has this effect on contemporary researchers when they begin their investigations where secret service agents jumped or resigned years ago and descend like the mythical heroes of Germanic legends to the treasures of the dragon caves. Hidden and inaccessible in the buried tunnels may await their discoverers hidden valuables, works of art and documents, or revolutionary technologies with which the Nazi elite wanted to avert the fall of theThe Third Reich, which, although it was destined to last a thousand years, was limited by fate to twelve years and four months before it vanished in the smoke and fire of defeat...

The book by Milan Z. Kučera's "The Greatest Secrets of the Third Reich" is a publication that will win readers not only for its revelatory andThe book is a very interesting book for its popular, understandable language and attractive presentation. Whether it is wandering through the dark underground corridors of the Wolfsberg factory, searching for the secret laboratories under the Ksiaz castle, or leafing through the yellowed documents of the SSadministration, he will always guide us safely through the minefields of conjecture and colourful legends with which human imagination or the desire to preserve secrets has surrounded them over the years.


Milan Zacha Kučera (30.11.1973, Olomouc)
A travel agency manager by profession. He has been researching and lecturing about mysteries since 1992, participant and initiator of many mystery expeditions. Since 1999 he has been a member of our oldest and largest research association KPU Plzeň, on whose board he has been a specialist in treasures and historical mysteries for the last five years. Until 2006 he was actively involved in the community of so-called treasure hunters with metal detectors. He is the only foreign collaborator of the Polish S.G.P. (Sowiogorska Grupa Poszukiwawcza), a group dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the Owl Mountains with the consent of the Polish official sites.
In 2012 he brought to the Czech Republic the vice-championship title - 3rd place in the all-Polish competition of treasure hunters with metal detectors in Walim.
The book you are holding in your hand is the fruit of his field research, including the processing of many Polish sources, and is thus a Czech-Slovak environment, something completely new and unknown, just like the mysterious Nazi underground objects he discusses...

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