

13.3.1943 The Battle of Sokolov ended 13. 3. 1943

13.3.1943 The Battle of Sokolov ended

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According to the recollections of the participants, the day before the outbreak of the battle on 8 March 1943 was quite gloomy. There was still snow on the fields, which had become brittle with frost at night and thawed during the day.
12.3.1940 Winter War ended 12. 3. 1940

12.3.1940 Winter War ended

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Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost in the armed conflicts between Finland and the Soviet Union. One of them was the so-called Winter War, when the Russians claimed some Finnish territories. It ended on 12 March 1940 with the conclusion of the Peace of Moscow.
1.3.1899 Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski is born 1. 3. 1899

1.3.1899 Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski is born

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He gave the first impetus to the creation of the concentration camp at Auschwitz. He had civilians murdered on purpose to inflate the statistics on enemy casualties. He also participated in the Night of the Long Knives. Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, who was born on 1 March 1899, successfully avoided the courts for many years.
29.2.1920 Czechoslovakia adopted the first Constitution 29. 2. 1920

29.2.1920 Czechoslovakia adopted the first Constitution

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One hundred years have passed since the adoption of the first Czechoslovak Constitution. It was formally in force until 1948, when the Communists came to power. President Masaryk insisted on greater powers for the head of state. He didn't just want to lay wreaths.
23.2. 1943 speech K. H. Frank in Lucerna 23. 2. 1943

23.2. 1943 speech K. H. Frank in Lucerna

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Increased labour requirements, total deployment in the Reich and the liquidation of production not relevant to the war. This followed a speech by the State Secretary of the Reich Protector's Office, K. H. Frank, which he delivered on 23 February 1943 in the Lucerna in Prague.

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