4. 3. 1386 Calendary

4.3.1386 Vladislav II became king of Poland. Jagello

Categories: Personalities , Calendar

Vladislav II.He founded the Jagiellonian family, which ruled the Czech throne for 55 years. The Grand Duke of Lithuania, Vladislav II. Jagello is considered by historians as a strong ruler. He became King of Poland on 4 March 1386.

However, the acquisition of the Polish throne was conditional on his marriage to Hedwig of Anjou. The wedding took place in an encouraging atmosphere on 18 February. All those present showed great joy at the marriage, and generally there was great rejoicing and feasting. The festivities were accompanied by jousting tournaments and pastimes of all kinds.

"The young Queen Hedwig of Anjou, crowned two years ago, made all present with her tall, slender figure, fair hair and beautiful dress. Her attitude and demeanour belied her noble birth, reminding everyone that the most pressing questionof the moment would be Jagell's coronation," says historian Radek Fukala in his book The Great Crusader War: Lights and Shadows of the Grunwald Victory.

After the coronation on 4 March in the cathedral at Wawel Castle in Kraków, the new Polish king Wladyslaw II had to confirm the nobility's old rights and privileges as soon as possible. However, once the euphoria of this beautiful day, wedding revelry, banquets and luxury had worn off, the last stage of the so-called blood scenario - to make Lithuania a Christian country - came next. For it was the last pagan state in Europe. The Lithuanians were pagans and the majority of the Old Russian population was Orthodox. Jagello lived up to his promises and in the spring of 1386 began a large-scale Christianization of his homeland.

At the same time, he is considered the founder of the Jagiellonian family, who ruled the Czech lands from 1471 to 1526. Jagiellonian, who later also became Margrave of Moravia. He is generally regarded as one of the weakest Bohemian rulers, as his reign led to a relatively large decline in royal power. He resided mainly in Buda, Hungary, and visited Bohemia only rarely. His successor Louis, who lived only twenty years, did the same. He drowned in the marshes while fleeing after the battle of Mohács.

By contrast, the legacy of the Polish king and Lithuanian Grand Duke Vladislaus II. "He was a restrained, hardworking, tenacious and politically astute ruler and military leader. He represented one of the most important rulers of the European medieval era," Fukala says.


Radek Fukala: The Great War with the Crusaders: Lights and Shadows of the Grunwald Victory
Václav Melichar: History of Poland

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