V celym článku se nepíše, kde že ta Solnice je. To bude z nějakýho "města" jako Brno, kde lidi nevědi, že svět sahá dál, než k ceduli konec obce, takže to specifikovat nepotřebujou.
7.10.2017 Cannonballs and coins found under Solnica
Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
Interesting findings were discovered by archaeologists during their research in Solnice on Piaristický Square. They came across cannonballs, coins, graves and pottery.Theabandoned building was investigated by experts four years ago.
The 16th century building was supposed to have been turned into a restaurant at that time. Archaeologist Zuzana Thomová commented on the results of the research at the time. She described how they came across metal ingots or the torso of a metal button or a small heart for a necklace.
The archaeologists also found cannonballs, as the saltworks was formerly used as an armoury. "Among the most interesting finds are cannonballs from small cannons, coins and a huge amount of decorative pottery, including even decorated stoves. The pottery dates from the 13th to the first half of the 16th century," noted Thomova, who was the head of the research.
She and her colleagues explored the local history in three probes 2.2 metres deep. They carefully put all the finds aside in a bag after they photographed them.
Photo gallery of the research: Archaeologists found cannonballs and coins in Solnica
The saltworks was first used as a grain storehouse in 1531, later it was used as a town armoury and then as a salt storehouse. That is why it is called Solnice. The restaurant has been operating there since March 2019. It also includes an exhibition space. The building boasts the fourth oldest roof truss of its type in the Czech Republic.
"Saltworks was built on the site of a cemetery where burials were made from the thirteenth century. The town had armour in it in case of some military conflict, but it had strong and large walls that even the Hussites did not conquer it. The main wall runs through the saltworks and the armoury was built within it. The listed building has complete original roof trusses, but because it was closed for a very long time, they are attacked by woodworm," the archaeologist further revealed.
Archaeologists discovered one architectural curiosity during their research. "We found that actually the perimeter wall of the Salt House towards the river forms the main wall. And when we look out of the window at Sokol Island, directly below us is the rest of the main wall and glued to it is a prevét, which is actually a medieval toilet," Thomová explained.
The name Solnice now also carries the name of the brewery, which is run by the owners of the restaurant. It is connected to the brewery in the nearby Hroznová Street by a unique network of beer conduits.
Sources: www.rozhlas.cz, www.idnes.cz, www.wikipedia.org, www.restauracesolnice.cz
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