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First update of the Manticore metal detector as seen by Elmara and Jacob
Categories: Detektor kovů Minelab Manticore
A few days ago the first update of Minelab Manticore appeared and since Patro and I have been involved in its ongoing testing, we are happy to write a few comments.
From our point of view, the most important changes are three. The stabiliser function, the further improvement of EMI (interference cancellation) and thanks to that the possibility to set higher sensitivities and of course the English language. I will focus on these three points and then quickly summarize the remaining changes.
Stabilizer - what is it supposed to do and why is it there?
The main purpose and is primarily for better use in ferromagnetic soils. These are generally very problematic environments for detectors and can unpleasantly mask search targets. Even if you have a detector with a well-tuned ground, properly set sensitivity, such a ground manifests itself with an "iron hum".and with the Manta there was still an elongated "puff" at the top of the limit.
Adjusting the filter level eliminates this phenomenon and so different variations were tried during testing. It must be said here that the final version is better than everything we tried during testing. On all the sites that we managed to test and where this "phenomenon" manifested itself is now basically calm even at setting 0. So we were quite impressed. Already in the basic settings there is a significant improvement and the fitter should only be used if you encounter this phenomenon (see picture).
Ferromagnetic soil effect on the Manta chart - in the red circle
The second thing that the stabilizer affects is the "sound" of the iron. This is more distorted at higher settings. The purpose is to make iron targets more identifiable in areas of high iron presence. I confess that I don't feel the need here, and I certainly don't recommend higher filter settings, since as with all filters, high settings mean reduced range. My own setting is about 0 or 1 at most and I would never set more than 3. But we'll see how it performs when tested on basalts, and we'll do a separate article on that.
EMI - interference cancellation
Minelab has traditionally been quite exceptional in this regard, and Manticore is no exception. They always strive for improvement with every upgrade. Here ael I can be quite specific as we tested several quite heavily jammed sites where our original setup was somewhere between 19-21 and now we could easily walk 24-27. We also dragged one of our friends who is one of the first to walk the manta into the testing and he isWe had data from one hellish location and even here we could move 4-5 digits without affecting stability.
A couple of sentences can be written in relation to the sensitivity setting. Manta can now be juiced even more. And that's reflected in the range. Although many searchers might think that more is always better. You need to approach this with a bit of common sense. We're dealing with the reality of the laws of physics.
To give you an example. If you're in an area where you hear one handcuff next to another every time you wave, the setting a hell level is counterproductive, especially if the smallest objects are the most sought-after targets. In fact, the high power of the detector will start to detect even handcuffs much deeper than, say, the EQ. This of course can affect the seapration when searching for such targets. In this context, the use of the new 8" and possibly also 9" coils will be very nice. Which should appear next month. These will further enhance the separation properties and due to their smaller size you can adjust higher sensitivity settings without affecting the separation so much.
I would add to this paragraph that after a lot of testing, we agreed that the most versatile recovery rate setting in similar locations is number 5.
Czech in Manticore
We have been working on the Czech version of Mantica for a few weeks, and we had to consult on some things. Some items are thus not slavishly translated, as such a translation made no sense. For all such descriptions we always tried to make the description describe what the item does. I have to get used to the English myself now, as I have gotten so used to the terms over the years from Minelaby, IA that they are more obvious to me than the English ones.
But from the first reactions, we can see that the English language has made us very happy, and for that we are very happy
And what else is new:
There has been a change in the "gold modes", where the detector should show even better depth and sensitivity to the finest gold nuggets. Unfortunately, we don't have a proper gold mining site at the moment, so we couldn't verify how much of a shift has occurred.
Volume and sound enhancements for underwater headphones
Greatly appreciated by Peter as he is constantly water-diving. From his point of view, it is now perfect. Even so, we have already had feedback from several prospectors who have praised the change.
Setting red ID numbers for iron
I, being the canned kind of guy we are, was not happy about this and was happy that this feature can be turned on and off. Peter was thrilled and all the other searchers we've dealt with were as well. Thus, this is up to each searcher's preference.
Keyboard shortcuts
There has been an increase in the options of what can be put under keyboard shortcuts, which is such a user tweak that will make anyone who likes to customize the detector happy.
Well, that's about it. We wish all Manticorans the best of luck and Peter and I have a request. We would like the thread below this article to be only about Manticore, its setup and the new upgrade. So that everyone who will read it will learn something and not have to search for it in a jumble of texts about something completely different.
Thanks Elamara
If you haven't downloaded the update yet, you can find everything in the article: Upgrade Manticore
The article is included in categories:
- Archiv článků > Metal Detectors - Reviews and Tests > Minelab – tests and reviews > Detektor kovů Minelab Manticore
Díky zy článek.
V lokalitě, kde hraje jedno železo vedle druhého jsem se nepohyboval, ale začal koncert velkých želez. Nevím, asi mám něco blbě, ale při senzivitě 20-21 velká železa mlčí.
Tak nevím, dnes jsem zkusil jiné pole a šlo tam chodit bez problémů na 25. Tak to byla zřejmě špatná půda.
Když mě slíbíte,že do pulroku s Manticorem najdu svého prvního Pražáka,tak si ho klidně koupim!!!👍😁
Teď chodím 3 roky s Noktou Kruzerem multi a sušim hubu!!!😕🤷😂😂
Maso: To není ani tak o detektoru, ale o štěstí. Čuch na místo a štěstí, že to tam najdeš.
Když na ploše 100x200m zakopu groš, najdeš ho? Když budeš mít štěstí, tak jo.
Jasně, musíš mít detektor s rozumným výkonem. Kdysi jsem s Xterrou 705 našel bronzový napažník (odevzdán v muzeu). Protože signál byl podle ID zajímavý a hluboký, zavolal jsem kamaráda se žlutým Garrettem ACE, aby si to přišel očuchat. NIC.
Vím...dělám si prdel!😁
Jsem schopen najít grešličku i jinou droboť,takže Prágl by neměl být problém.Spíš mám smůlu a blbou lokalitu na středověky kolečka....
Ale to příjde!!!👍😁
Hosi ten update na zvýšení hlasitosti sluchatek je boží používam redukci na xp bh01 a je to pecka či voda nebo les,louka. Už nikdy nechci otikovky a Nic podobný na uši. Jen bacha po každým zapnutim mcore je nutno funkci znovu zapnúť.pouzivam Max hlasitosti 25