Nokta Pulse Dive by Well

Categories: Nokta - Reviews and tests , Detektory Nokta Pulse Dive

Greetings to all searchers! This year I finally made it to the sea and besides Nox, I also packed the relative novelty of Nokta Puls Dive. I would like to thank you for lending me the good soul of LP.Ididn't give up and decided to write a few sentences about this "detector".

After the first dive, when I decided to write the article, I was wondering what to start with and most importantly how to explain how this toy stood up to the challenge. The place of testing was Croatia with a sandy rocky beach, where you have to walk maybe 50m to get the water at least up to your waist. As I'm used to, I first took the Nox on a search... The first signal came, I took the sieve and immediately found the first problem, which was fatal for the sieve. The layer of sand was about 1-5cm, the rest of the bottom was made up of stones of various sizes, joined by sand to form an impenetrable layer, making digging to a depth of about 20cm almost impossible. So get down on your knees and rake it blindly, nice and wide. What can I tell you, it took me a good 10 minutes to dig it out and track it down.

The next day, having learned from previous failures, I decided to go for a slightly different option. I put on my goggles and snorkel and went underwater. Getting the object out was much easier, as all I had to do was wave and wait for the target to fly nicely out of the hole. However, that was the next problem, tracking down the target with the basic reel. Since the detector is not the smallest and you keep getting it wrong somewhere, you often misplace the target and the classic tracking reel was pretty much lost in the salt water. An even worse problem occurred if the surface was lower than you could reach without submerging... You had to throw the detector next to you, and since we went on the searches during the day when the beach was full of tourists, it was only a matter of time before someone stepped on the detector. Plus, lots of curious kids kept wanting to borrow it because, let's face it, it does cause a bit of a stir. The last annoyance was the shape of the detector and its size when actually exploring the bottom. The resistance in the water was really high and after a few dozen minutes I thought my hand was going to fall off. Moreover, the movement was much slower than on land.

Another day came and finally it was time for Nokta. I probably don't need to write the specification, you can find it yourself, but I will outline its terribly "complicated" setup. You turn on the detector with one button, then you set the sensitivity with another button, lock the detector with another button and go searching. The main difference from other detectors is that it works like a regular tracker. So the movement can be much faster compared to the Nox, because if it just buzzes a little bit, you know you've passed the target and you can easily get back to the spot and track more accurately. The Nokta has a much smaller coil, which at first I took as a big disadvantage, but when I found that the resistance to movement is minimalso you can swing much, much faster and the smaller coil makes it easier to locate the target, it immediately became a disadvantage! The Nokta also didn't attract as much attention so you could sail quietly through the people and no one noticed anything, you weren't bothered by children or other tourists as you didn't have to explain what it was you had and what it was you were looking for. Since you are underwater, you can see the target well with your eyes and therefore it is easier to find it.

That's about all I wanted to write and now a short summary in the form of pros and cons ??


  • ABSOLUTELY no ringing even with maximum sensitivity!!!!
  • Relatively good range for such a small carrion, golden snook around 15cm.
  • Fast response of the device.
  • Fast handling in water due to less resistance.
  • The round coil searches the whole area as well.
  • In conjunction with a snorkel and goggles, ideal for places where you'll get battered with a net.
  • Will not attract the attention of curious individuals.
  • Strong vibration and most importantly the speaker is positioned towards you so you can hear really well even on a crowded beach


  • Unless you are directly diving with a bomb, you can only search as deep as you can reach the bottom.

In conclusion... What did I like the most? The peace and quiet underwater with only the detector, a few fish, hermit fish and lots of potential targets to keep you company. Sometimes you get so into it that you crash a few people's....

Have a good search and I hope you enjoyed the article :-)

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Zdravim vás. Chtěl by jsem se zeptat jestli jste používal na hledání předmětů ve vodě s noktou nějaké menší síto a nebo jste hrabal pouze rukama mezi kamením a pískem. Také by se asi hodila nějaká uzaviratelní brašnička na nálezy. Neměl jste nějakou ? Nemáte nějaké doporučení? :) Děkuji

Nevím jak Petr, ale já jsem používal v Řecku na písečně kamenitých plážích pouze ruce. Je to v podstatě snadné, nad míste nálezu zamáváš rukou a voda písek a drobné kamínky sama odplaví.

Dobře napsané ;-) Tahle Nokta mě dost překvapila dosahem a jak zabírá v celé sondě.

Díky za článek a postřehy. Moje Nokta už jen čeká až si zabalím na dovolenou 😊 Pro JaHledac - brašnička na nálezy. Já při potápění občas používám menší pet lahev se širokým hrdlem. Do lahve pár malých děr, za rozšířené hrdlo nějaký úvaz a druhý konec na ruku nebo za opasek - naprosto dostačující.

Zdravim... ja do vody kapsičku nenosím, pokud teda nechodím v brodakach kde kapsa je, využívám kapsu u plavek a zlato většinou uložím někde v bezpečí na brehu. Jinak malé síto jsem neměl, opravdu je to lepší rozhazet rukou a cíl vypadne sám :-)

to Elmara : používal jsi Noktu ? a jak s přepravou letíme do Řecka tak bych to zkusil,
dík za info

Jo hodil by se článek s přepravou a vše okolo toho :-)

Stavyp,Huby44 nevím co se furt všichni bojí cestovat s detektory, letěl jsem již několikrát a nikdy bez problémů, ani se nikdo na nic neptal.Je to prostě elektronika jako každá jiná .Takže nemějte strach a normálně detektor přibalte

Zdar lidi, no ohledne cestovani to nemusi byt vzdy tak jednoznacny. Ja si ho bral na Djerbu (pulse dive) a v Phe mel byt detektor v prirucnim zavazadle (z duvodu baterky atd.). Kdyz jsem letel z5, tak jsem ho nechal v prirucnim taky a podle reakci na letisti jsem to asi mel dat pro zmenu do velkeho zavazadla. Jinak pri opousteni Djerby byl celnim zvedavej a ptal se na co to mam, atd. Ale celkove zadny velky problem 8-).

Dík za názory a rady ;-)

Ahojte, ja mam tiez Nokta Pulse Dive a mal som ho vo velkom kufre. Letel som z Viedne do Spanielska a naspet. Uplne bez problemov a nikto sa ma na nic nepytal. Inak som tu niekde cital ze v Egypte na letisku niekomu Detektor zobrali? Je to pravda? Dik za info 8-)

Když zmiňujete to Řecko - tam jsem teď byl a vůbec jsem si vzít detektor netrouf. Je tam nutná licence vůbec na vlastnění detektoru a na hledání je potřeba další povolení, které se vydává jenom pro konkrétní lokalitu podle hledacího plánu. Za hledání na archeolokalitě je 10-20 let vězení.

Zdravím kolegové. Jak je to s tímto detektorem v Polsku u Baltu- Kolobřeh?? Děkuji za odpověď.... 8-)

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