Moravia Detect - Uherský Brod store

Detektory kovů Moravia Detect

Office and shop

U Plynárny 1379
Uherský Brod 68801

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 10:00 - 18:00
Sat-Sun: by priop telephone arrangement
(We recommend contacting us before the visit)


Tel: 728 858 046

Our services

  • Sales of metal detectors, coils and accessories
  • Sales of utility network locators and security detectors
  • Advice on the selection of metal detectors and utility network locators
  • Training - we will be happy to show you metal detectors and utility network locators directly in the field and teach you how to work with the devices

Our specialties


  • We regularly participate in a number of search events in the Czech Republic
  • Every year we participate in the preparation and holding of the Championship in Search with Metal Detectors Master Finder
  • We cooperate with local collection institutions and archaeologists
  • We organize detector demonstrations and hobby events
  • We have long been publishing at the Treasure Hunter.

About us

Detectors Moravia Detect supplies a large range of metal detectors and their accessories. We have many years of experience with metal detectors and everyone in our company has been a searcher for more than 10 years. We always try to pass on our experience, so you can count on us not to simply "hand" you the detector, but we will teach you how to work with the device, always in the field.

In addition to searching on land, we also specialize in searching in water, where we are able to introduce new users to all the secrets of this specialization. Our goal is always the maximum satisfaction of our customers. We are able to adapt to your schedule and we can meet at any time after a telephone agreement.

Mgr. Oldrich Habrovanský - Moravia Detect

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