Metal detectors

In our offer you will find more than 900 detectors, coils and accessories. We have metal detectors for everyone - for children and beginners, for hobby finders and for experienced Treasure Hunters. If you are unsure, contact us or visit one of our stores.

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Tesoro Tejon ULTIMATE metal detector

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The Tesoro Tejon detector is equipped with a 2D ULTIMATE probe 33 cm from Detech

Tesoro Cortes RDS ULTIMATE metal detector

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The detector now comes with two 28x20 cm Tesoro probes and a new 33 cm 2D ULTIMATE, covers for both probes, an instructional DVD and an electronics box cover

+ Gift Covers for both coils, electronics box cover, instructional DVD

White's TM 808 metal detector

Arriving Soon

The detector is designed for searching for large metal objects in extreme depths, less sensitivity to small objects. White's TM 808 is equipped with an automatic or manual ground tuning function.

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