Multi IQ - Vanquish multi-frequency metal detector technology

Categories: Minelab – tests and reviews , Vanquish metal detectors

I will try to explain a little more semi-popatically the situation around frequencies in Multi IQ,it is not as simple as in single frequency detectors. In order to process a larger number of frequencies at once, you need to send a non-harmonic signal waveform that is rich in individual harmonic frequencies. You parse the data from the receiving coil back through the Fourier transform to get the amplitudes and phases for the individual harmonic frequencies, and suddenly it has5 frequencies and their phase shifts, and that's the goal, because if you have a single frequency detector there's only one value, whereas in this case there's 5. Of course, you can count on that much better. A multi-frequency detector compares the results of the single phases with each other. Simply put, if you get mainly high frequencies, you know that the target is probably quite small and you can adjust the ID accordingly. It's like having a buried target and trying 5 different detectors at 5-40Khz on it. If the target is really small then 5 and 10Khz won't see it,15 will see it faintly and 20 and 40Khz will have it much better. Ground tuning works the same way, which is why multifrequency works much better in poorer ground conditions.and salt water and has a much more accurate ID that is less dependent on mineralization.
Now why frequencies are a bit of a mystery with Vanquish. Anyone who has Equinox probably knows the difference between PARK1 and PARK2 modes. Even if you have a multifrequency setting on both, they behave quite differently. PARK2 is much more sensitive to really extremely small targets even though they both have the same frequencies in Multi IQ. This is due to the fact that each mode has a differently set up so-called balance between frequencies, so for example PARK1 dampens high frequencies a bit and amplifies lower frequencies, with PARK2 it's the other way around. Thanks to this so-called balance between you can for example also influence what the range will be according to the size of the object, e.g. PARK1 is intentionally made so that the search in the field is effective. The range starts to increase sharply from a target the size of the smallest Ag coins. It's made to make the search as efficient as possible and not stop at every airgun shot - that's why I recommend this mode for 90% of the sites. So, to summarize, the same frequencies work for both modes, but they contribute a completely different weight to the evaluation.

Now back to VANQUISH. Here it works exactly the same, except that each mode has a different balance for each frequency depending on what it is intended for, e.g. I would expect the high frequencies to be amplified in the jewelry mode, the classic search mode to be something like PARK1, and in the beach modethe optimal composition of frequencies will be selected to work best on salt sand, etc. As you can see, the answer was not as simple as most of you expected. Using multiple frequencies simultaneously just gives a huge amount of room to play around like that. IN CONCLUSION, I'LL SUM IT UP AS IF THE FREQUENCES ARE ALL THERE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE VALUE DEPENDING ON THE MODE.

PS: I hope I have described this in some understandable way. I tried to make it as clear as possible. For those who want to understand it, I recommend to read the whole thing carefully. Fortunately with this detector all the complexity described above has been left inside and only the most necessary settings reach the user, which I would say was the goal of this line of detectors.

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Tak teď už jen nějaké ty testy.... ;-)

V pátek budeme dělat první, určitě natočíme nějakou ochutnávku. Vzhledem k jednoduchosti ovládání by to mohlo být celkem vypovídající. ;-)

Takovej předkrm, hlavně od 21 minuty.

Maxipes: Ještě lepší by bylo kdyby ten mamlas na tom videu věděl kterým směrem se mává nad DD cívkou :-D :-D

To Haban: ty voe, to je neskutečný, proč do svatý p..... dělají testovací videa takový blbci. Vždyť ten člověk nezná ani takový základ jak pracuje déčko. Tohle je mor dneška, čim míň toho vím, tím víc o tom mluvím :,-( :,-( :,-(

Samozřejmě už se těším na testy od Elmary, aspoň tomu budu rozumět :-/ :-D

Kolik tedy frekvenci je k dispozici 3 nebo 5

soust: multifrekvenční technologie Multi IQ rozsah 5 až 40 kHz, 5 pracovních frekvencí

V sobotu a neb v neděli přidám video z našich testů. J eto pecka pánové a za to co detektory stojí je to neskutečné co to předvádí. Od oka.. 80% výkonu EQ

Kdy že budou na pultech? A bude pořadník?

Z vide od Maxipsa jsem si vzal ponaučení proč nepoužívat dloubák na tvrdým poli a že dd cívka vyzařuje stejně nahoru jako dolů. 25 minut utrpení.

To ak68 : Myslíš vážně tuhle otázku? :-D

Kvapa: ber to tak, že jsem zvědav. Každopádně ta 540tka mě zajímá

ak68 : Tak předpokládaný začátek prodeje máš napsaný u každé novinky. Bylo to u Equinoxu, je to u Simplexu, Simplexu+ i Vanquishe. Čistě logicky....termín se bude posouvat. Bude pořadník? U Equinoxu byl. Záleží na zájmu o detektor (předobjednávky) Nebo si myslíš, že jich přijde do LP 1000 ks ? :-D Pochybuji. :-D

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