Stammlager II.

Zase pár kousků do sbírky.Většinou klasika Stalag IV-B ale nejvíce potěšil Stalag 318 VIII F /Lamsdorf/ no a stalag 367 Częstochowa /Tschenstochau/ o tom žádná.Těch je opravdu málo.

Kategorie artefaktu

Identifikovaná kategorie:
Názory uživatelů: Zajatecké ID (4 názory) : Zajatecké ID, misak75: Zajatecké ID, Kalach: Zajatecké ID, MODREY: Zajatecké ID

Přihlaste se a pomozte určit tento nález.


Stammlager II.
Stammlager II.
Stammlager II.
Stammlager II.
Stammlager II.
Stammlager II.
Stammlager II.

Okolnosti nálezu

Lokalita:Ústecký kraj
Použitý detektor:XP Adventis
10 hlasů
10 hlasů
1. července 2017,
1. července 2017


Zase super nález :-).

Tak to je supr :) já myslel že když mám jedno tak jsem frajer :D:D:D ale ty si doma děláš tvůj malej lágr :-) :-D :-D ;-) ;-) ;-)
Paráda ;-)

Perfekt :-) ;-)

tak zajateckou ještě nemám... jenom vejce.... ;-)

Paradni Gratulace ;-)

Parádní, za cca 11 let hledání mám pouze jednu (Stalag IV-B).

Mám jedno celý vejce z jihu,jinak kopu čtvrtky ID,ale tohle mi ještě pod cívku nespadlo :-D ;-)

Colonel’s orders ” and does not see why he should be account-
able to the military authorities. Furthermore, Herr Ober-
regieningsrat Braun of the Landesarbeitsamt may have
needed five hundred men for an urgent piece of work, so
urgent that he collected them from the barracks without
notifying the Kommandantur. Prisoner Dupont Pierre,
Number 123592, from Barrack 49, may have pretended sick-
ness and, claiming he had to go to the infirmary, had himself
struck off the roll-call of the barrack. After a few weeks it
will be noticed that he didn’t even make a pretence of going
to the infirmary, which knows nothing about him, but,
taking advantage of the fact that his absence from the barrack
would seem normal, merely joined illegally a work party leav-
ing on Kommando duty and departed from it at the earliest
opportunity. S.S. Standartenfoehrer Mueller, enjoying a
walk in the country and coming across a Kommando party
doing a job which he considers superfluous, may have taken it
upon himself to transfer these men to another location where
more important work was to be done — for instance, to his
own farm, where the potato harvest was not being gathered
quickly enough. It may be the end of the week before their
departure is noticed, and months will pass till the group is
located and a check made to see which ones did not take
advantage of the transfer to escape. And then there is
Private Pachulke Fritz, on orderly duty at the first gate of the
camp. He is supposed to put a red mark in his book for each
man leaving the camp and a black mark for each man entering.
Unfortunately he counted the same group of a dozen men five
times without realizing that it was always the same prisoners.
And there is his colleague at the last gate, who marked down
in the exit column a party of a hundred and twenty men who
should have been marked as entering.

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